
May 17, 2023

AIA Chapter Events > Continuing Education Register

Nooniversity: Multigenerational Public Restroom Design

12:00 PM
Center for Architecture & Design | 1801 McGee, Suite 100 Kansas City, MO 64108 Map

This program is being offered as a hybrid program.  You may attend either in person or on Zoom.

Join MR & Associates for this program on Multigenerational public restroom design that is a growing trend in architecture and interior design. As the United States becomes increasingly diverse, facilities must accommodate by becoming more inclusive. Multigenerational design merges a number of social issues, design philosophies and facility considerations. In the coming decades, facilities must prepare for populations and workforces that are older than they’ve ever been while also catering to the preferences and needs of younger generations. With the silent generation, baby boomers, Generation X and Millennials all working together and living in public spaces, all commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities must adapt to be more accommodating. This is especially true of public restrooms, which tend to magnify generational differences.  This program will:

Describe some of the key demographic and social trends that make multigenerational design important and valuable today.

Identify solutions that extend beyond minimum ADA requirements to provide optimal accessibility for all users.

Describe requirements of special needs and bariatric users and provide relevant design solutions.

Identify COVID-19 and other hygiene-related sensitivities and relevant health and wellness solutions. 

This program is worth 1 HSW.  Lunch will be provided for this who attend in person.  For those who attend on Zoom, you must attend the full session in order to get AIA credit.  If you leave the Zoom meeting early, no credit will be reported. 


Professional Affiliate Zoom - free
Professional Affiliate In Person - free
Non Member Zoom - $25.00
Non Member In Person - $25.00
Cornerstone Partner Zoom - free
Cornerstone Partner In Person - free
AIA KC Member Zoom - free
AIA KC Member In Person - free


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